What we do

Our people is what makes BAUART stand out from the rest.

The team is a balanced mix between young and thriving professionals lead by experienced and still young managers, all of us with the same common purpose: making the client´s needs and goals ours.

We believe in teamwork, in team responsibility, in team attitude, with very demanding goals and strict established processes and methods, but always taking into account the human side of things.

Projects Overview >


Analysis, Development, Site Turnover Assistance, Permiting and Expediting

  • Site and pre-design analysis (risks, needs, recommendations, logistic).
  • Survey & LL-Client assistance.
  • DD’s, CD’s, MEPs (development, analysis, adaptation, recommendations).
  • Timeline & milestones schedule development.
  • Site turnover assistance.
  • Subcontractors & purchasing selection process.
  • Value engineering.
  • Permitting and expediting on different entities and government offices.


Construction Site Management, Osha Practices, Consolidator Management, Legal, Insurance & Civil Protection Coverage.

Construction site management
Time, quality, and cost control, building process control, change orders control and process, supervision and pre-delivery control.

On site construction standards (Osha practices)
Health & safety, security & regulation, Debris Management, Field office infrastructure and man power.

Client consolidator/split-point management
Reception, loading & unloading.  Inventory. Claims and warranties control and tracking. Shipping and deliveries.

Legal, insurance & civil protection coverage


Physical turnover, warranty coverage, closure, assistance and maintenance support.

  • Physical turnover (“as built” plans and turnover package).
  • Warranty coverage.
  • Administrative closure.
  • Client assistance and maintenance support.